Author Archives: camfilusa

Camfil USA Air Filtration Introduces New CITY M Product

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Being at the height of their industry, Camfil is now providing an air filter unit for smaller spaces, such as waiting rooms and hospitals, to bring clean air to everyone possible.

The particles in the air cannot be seen easily or often at all by the human eye, so it usually goes unnoticed for the danger that it truly is. Air quality affects overall health and wellness, especially targeting those with asthma and allergies. Camfil is known as the highest standard for industrial and commercial HVAC air filters. Now, Camfil has created the ideal product for everyone else.

The City M product has been available in Europe and other places, but is just now being released in the United States. This important opportunity needs to be taken seriously. Despite not being able to “see” the air quality or the visual difference, the studies and results speak for themselves. Using Camfil air filtratio..

Air Filters Address Polluted City Air

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Clean air, an entitlement? Most people think so. Unfortunately industrial economics, other countries with their lack of air quality controls and our own proclivity for being a mobile society continue to raise pollution levels and contaminate the air that we breathe every day. In many parts of the country, more than half of us are exposed to dangerous levels of pollutants that can impair people with existing health problems. Polluted air can also introduce otherwise healthy individuals to breathing related disorders such as asthma, chronic bronchitis and even contribute to higher incidences of cancer.

In many commercial buildings, schools, medical facilities and other common daily environments we are protected by high efficiency air filtration. Most engineers design MERV 13 (minimum efficiency reporting value) filtration into a building’s heating and air conditioning system. Some even t..

Researchers Call for More Emphasis on Indoor Pollution Monitoring

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Scientists are calling for more emphasis on indoor pollution monitoring after study shows surprising findings about indoor air quality.

Indoor pollution is killing people at rates significantly higher than outdoor pollution, and the general public has for years been none the wiser new research reveals. According to a recent publication by leading global air filtration specialist Camfil, many people are unaware of the massive number of indoor pollution related deaths that occur annually. According to the World Health Organization, in 2012 poor air quality indoors was a contributor to 4.3 million deaths, whereas outside pollution was linked to 3.7 million for the same year.

In the article, “Indoor Air Pollution More Deadly than Pollution Outdoors?” Camfil discusses the call by researchers for more emphasis to be placed on indoor air pollution monitoring stating that “According to a stud..

Clean Air Expert Cites Top Reason for Indoor Air Quality Decline

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Leading air filtration expert Camfil outlines factors that have contributed to the “sick building syndrome” epidemic that has impacted many.

U.S. – Indoor air quality has been a major media focus following the release of surprising statistics about the number of deaths linked to contaminated indoor air. According to the World Health Organization, records show that in 2012, the number of people who died as a result of indoor air pollution related illnesses was 4.3 million, which was substantially higher than the number of fatalities linked to outdoor pollution. The data has compelled an expansion of research on the health risks linked to indoor air pollution, as well as factors that contribute to the problem and desired solutions.

“Sick Building Syndrome”: A Frightening Epidemic
“Sick building syndrome” is a term used to reference health complications that can be correlated with spendi..

Young Girl Experiences Asthma Relief

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

The right air purifier has been shown to improve breathing for children who develop asthma. Air quality plays a significant role in asthma cases, and finding the right solution is crucial to overall health.

Each year, more and more children are developing asthma, and research shows that several factors come into play regarding this type of diagnosis. One of those factors is air pollution, and studies indicate that when children live near a busy road, they are more likely to develop this harmful breathing condition. For some of them, it can last their entire lives, and many of them struggle with their day to day activities as a result. Many families have started to utilize air purifiers for asthma relief, and they’ve experienced what a difference this can make in their children.

At Camfil, we enjoy hearing stories about how our products have helped our customers, and one story in par..

The Surprising Impact of Air Pollution on Exercise

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Camfil air filtration specialists highlight key points in a study that suggests air pollution adversely affects exercise.

According to a past review published by the University of Queensland, there is strong evidence to support the assertion that air pollution has negative effects on cardiovascular health during exercise. The impact is particularly strong for those who work out outdoors in urban regions where the concentration of air contaminants is relatively high. Individuals who exercise in this type of environment are likely at a higher risk of developing health complications linked to the excessive intake of toxic pollutants. This is because exercise amplifies respiratory intake, and in turn facilitates the increased inhalation of airborne toxins.

Source: Huffington Post Blog “Exercise and Air Pollution”
“According to a 2004 Australian review of pollution studies worldwide, durin..

Case Study Shows Camfil Clean Air Tools Combat Indoor Pollution from Vehicles

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Fraught with air pollution challenges and recognized as one of the cities in the world with the dirtiest air, Mexico City recently unveiled a plan to reduce air pollution linked to vehicle emissions throughout the city. The announcement came days after pollution levels in the area were determined to be almost double the accepted national standard.

In a recent publication about the announcement “Mexico City Announces Plans to Fight Air Pollution: What Health Concerns Remain?” Camfil discusses the link between outdoor air pollution and poor indoor air quality commenting that “Improving indoor air quality should also be a component of the plan for reducing the health risks likely faced by many in Mexico City as a result of the high level of air pollution described in recent news reports.”

Pollution from automobiles was touted as a major concern, prompting the call for implemented changes..

OSHA Report Addresses Key Factors That Affect Indoor Air Quality

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Poor ventilation is cited by the Occupational Health & Safety Administration as a major factor that impacts indoor air quality.

A report released by the United States Department of Labor Occupational Health & Safety Administration cites poor ventilation as a major cause of indoor air quality issues, and says that, “the right ventilation and building care can prevent and fix IAQ problems.” In the publication, the agency provides information to assist workers and employers with improving their understanding of how to prevent IAQ problems, which can impact the health of individuals in offices and other workplaces.

According to OSHA, “The quality of indoor air inside offices, schools, and other workplaces is important not only for workers’ comfort but also for their health. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) has been tied to symptoms like headaches, fatigue, trouble concentrating, and irritati..

Mexico City Announces Plans to Fight Air Pollution: What Health Concerns Remain?

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

The city’s new plans for addressing widespread air pollution issues have been met with skepticism.

Recently, plans were announced to implement a car driving ban in Mexico City to combat alarmingly high levels of pollution in the city. Reports say that from April 5 to June 30, all privately owned cars will be required to remain off of the streets for a designated amount of time.

Source: The Christian Science Monitor Report “How Mexico City plans to fight air pollution”
“Under the city’s new program announced Wednesday, all privately owned cars must remain off streets one day per week as well as one additional Saturday per month. The initiative comes after the city issued a four-day air quality alert on March 14, after the city experienced air pollution at double the national acceptance level. The city’s “Hoy No Circula,” or “no circulation,” program ramps up the country’s previous effo..

Camfil Clean Air Experts Publish Guide Addressing Concerns About Air Quality and Health

Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.

Camfil air filtration experts announce the publication of a new handbook that addresses questions about the impact of poor indoor air quality on human health.

U.S. – A new handbook has been published by the clean air experts of Camfil, addressing questions many have about the impact poor indoor air quality has on human health. Developed as a guide for athletes, the IAQ handbook camfil covers a spectrum of issues related to challenges that stem from indoor air pollution and offers solutions for addressing critical concerns.

The Numerous Health Challenges Presented by Poor Quality Indoor Air
In two recent article publications titled “How Poor Air Quality Can Impact the Human Body: Air Improvement Tools That Help” and “The Surprising Impact of Air Pollution on Exercise,” Camfil suggests that the impact air pollution has on human health is more extensive than many realize. In the latter a..