Clean Air Solution by Camfil USA. Leader in Air Filters for Commercial and Industrial applications.
Being at the height of their industry, Camfil is now providing an air filter unit for smaller spaces, such as waiting rooms and hospitals, to bring clean air to everyone possible.
The particles in the air cannot be seen easily or often at all by the human eye, so it usually goes unnoticed for the danger that it truly is. Air quality affects overall health and wellness, especially targeting those with asthma and allergies. Camfil is known as the highest standard for industrial and commercial HVAC air filters. Now, Camfil has created the ideal product for everyone else.
The City M product has been available in Europe and other places, but is just now being released in the United States. This important opportunity needs to be taken seriously. Despite not being able to “see” the air quality or the visual difference, the studies and results speak for themselves. Using Camfil air filtratio..