Tag Archives: indoor air quality

What Are Atmospheric Brown Clouds and Are They Dangerous?

Learn about atmospheric brown clouds, the dangers they pose on indoor air quality, and why they highlight the need for commercial air filtration. Much has been said about the severe seasonal bouts of air pollution in the Indian capital city of New Delhi, which is also the primary reason the Delhi government is pushing for the […]

Do “Giant” Industrial Air Filters Really Work?

Industrial Air Filtration – According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 4.2 million people die each year due to exposure to air pollution. And with nine out of 10 people on the planet inhaling polluted air, there is a real risk of anyone suffering from its negative health effects. The problem of air pollution […]

Are Genetically Engineered Plants the Next Big Thing in Air Filtration?

Learn how scientists have created a plant capable of improving outdoor and indoor air quality, removing airborne pollutants like a high efficiency air filter. Camfil Air Filtration – In a recent study published in the journal Environmental, Science and Technology, researchers from the University of Washington have revealed the findings of a study that sought […]

How Commercial Air Filtration in Schools Can Help Prevent Child Obesity

Exposure to poor outdoor & indoor air quality, particularly at schools, is associated with childhood obesity. Learn how commercial air filtration systems and school air filters can help. According to a study conducted by researchers from the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), children who are exposed to air pollution, particularly at school, face a […]

Report Highlights the Need for High Efficiency Air Filters in Texas

A recent report found that nearly 300 companies in Texas were producing air pollution emissions. Learn how high efficiency air filters can protect residents in the state. Industrial Air Filtration News – According to a recent report by the research arm of Environment Texas, industrial facilities in Texas were responsible for spewing out tens of […]

Why Buses Are Being Equipped with Commercial Air Filtration Systems

Learn why eco-friendly buses equipped with commercial air filtration systems are being used as solutions to maintain good indoor air quality. Bus Filtration News – As countries around the world continue to grapple with the problem of air pollution, which the World Health Organization (WHO) claims is responsible for 4.2 million premature deaths around the […]

Why Is Air Filter Efficiency So Important to High-Altitude Cities?

Learn why homes in alpine regions need high efficiency air filters and how air pollution in these areas affect ecosystems aside from outdoor and indoor air quality. For years, many Americans have viewed high-altitude communities as places to get away from the hustle and bustle of urban life and breathe fresh mountain air for a […]

Why Are Commercial Air Filtration Systems Needed in Cruise Ships?

Learn why the indoor air quality in cruise ships is dangerous to human health, and find out how commercial air filtration systems could fix the issue. Maritime Industry News – According to an undercover report released on January 24, 2019, cruise ships produce significant amounts of air pollution, so much so that they could endanger […]

Using Portable Air Purifiers to Protect Heart Health

While the air quality in many parts of the United States has steadily improved over the years, home air purifiers continue to play a vital role in protecting people inside homes and buildings from the health dangers of air pollution. To be specific, a proper-strength air filter can prevent people from inhaling the microscopic particles […]

Do America’s Cleanest Cities Still Need High Efficiency Air Filters?

Learn why homes and buildings in America’s best cities in terms of both outdoor and indoor air quality still need high efficiency air filters. According to the American Lung Association’s ‘State of the Air’ report for 2018, air quality across much of the United States has been on a positive upward trend thanks in large […]